Question Description

I’m working on a javascript exercise and need guidance to help me study.

This unit introduces you to graphics modeling. You will also learn how to use OpenGL functionality to implement vertices to develop points, line segments, polygons, and polyhedrons.

For Programming Assignment Unit 2, you must utilize WebGL’s comparable functionality to create a polygon composed of 5 vertices. You will need to modify the Unit 2 Assignment Example Code to create a polygon that must:

  • have a red or blue surface
  • spin slowly on its axes


  • It is essential to document your code liberally with comments to ensure that a reviewer understands what you were attempting to do within the assignment.
  • When you have completed the assignment, you must click on the share button and copy both the “Graphics View” (Live and full preview) and the “Code View” URLs and then submit with your assignment. You can also submit your JavaScript code, but you should only cut and paste the code into the submission dialogue box. Do not attach the source code document. Your assignment is due at the end of this unit.

Grading Criteria

Your assignment will be assessed (graded) by your peers using the following criteria:

  • Does the program output produce a polygon with five vertices?
  • Does the polygon have a red or blue surface?
  • Does the program demonstrate the ability to rotate (spin about its x- and y-axis)
  • Is the JavaScript / Three.js code well documented?

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