Question Description

When an industry is faced with a problem, the resolution process often involves multiple stakeholders. Before the FAA changes or updates a regulation, for example, it often solicits information and feedback from those in the industry. This allows for a thorough examination of the underlying cause for the change and the potential impact of the resolution on those who will be responsible for carrying it out.

In research, this is accomplished via literature reviews. By reviewing the literature, trends rise to the surface. The elements that contribute to the problem are more easily identified, as well as potential solutions for mitigating the problem in the future. It also provides background information such as how long the problem has plagued the industry and why it is necessary to address it.

Using the APA Sample Paper Template (attached) for this assignment, you will be writing the introduction, background, and literature review sections of your research paper.

Review the following for the order and requirements for each section of this assignment:

  1. Title Page.
  2. Abstract (leave blank for now).
  3. Introduction: A brief overview of what you are researching, why, and an overview of your research process (including the main topics you will review). This should be approximately one paragraph.
  4. Background: Describe what led to the problem, explain the extent of the problem, and why it is necessary to research and resolve the problem. This should be 2-3 paragraphs.
  5. Literature Review: Provide historical background on the area you are researching, provide a contemporary context in which your research is situated, identify any trends in the literature related to your problem, identifies gaps in the literature, draw conclusions based on the literature (what we know about the problem). This should be 2-3 pages.

I’ve attached the Problem Statement for the research paper. Below is the final feedback I received from my professor,

“but please make sure that you do not argue for the obvious. I am not 100% sure, but I think this is your problem statement:

“This research paper attempts to investigate how the failure to install the standard and required avionics equipment leads to difficulties in the control and management of aviation safety.” Which sounds quite obvious to me. In short, the message is: It is unsafe to install things incorrectly. If this is it, the problem statement would not work because it is common knowledge.

Similarly, the following seems to be your thesis statement:

“Generally, the paper primarily seeks to probe the effectiveness of the standard avionics equipment in promoting aviation safety and security”, which reads to me as aviation will be safer if things are installed correctly. Again, this is obvious and there is no paper needed to prove this point.”

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