Question Description

I’m working on a creative writing report and need a sample draft to help me study.

Course: Fashion Industry Ethics and Social Responsibility

Assignment Objective: To identify and reflect on the rules that you use to guide your moral decision making.

Background: As noted, one of the requirements of this course is that you reflect on your ownmoral behavior and the ethical perspectives that you use to guide your decision makingconcerning that behavior. A good point to beginning this course is to identify the “rules orapproaches” that you use in daily life to guide your moral behavior.

Rules or Approaches maybe: laws, conscience, virtue approach, common good approach, utilitarian, principled approach,rights, or fairness approach.

Task: Write a double spaced paper (approx. 2-3 pages) in an essay format – Introduction, Body, andConclusion.


1. Begin by writing on what ethics are and how important you think they are (in your ownwords).


2. First, Identify and highlight the ethical guideline(s) that you use to make moral decisions inyour everyday life (think about many different approaches we discussed in class). Next,provide example(s) of a moral decision that you made in your past to illustrate. For instance,describe an ethical dilemma you have experienced in the past, how did you resolve thesituation? using what ethical approaches? and how satisfied were you with the result of yourdecision?

3. Identify the major influences on the development of the guidelines you mentioned in #2.Where did you learn these guidelines and from whom (e.g., parents, religion, school, etc.)?

4. Describe key ethical issue(s) that have been presented in recent news coverage. Explainyour response to the issue (what is your view/opinion on the issue?). Apply an appropriateethical approach to your response.


5. Summary statement emphasizing a dominant ethical approach or two. Then, discuss howyou may continue to use or change these approaches to make moral decisions in the future.

Note: References should be APA Style

Sample draft needed by 2/12 7pm this allows me plenty of time to help me study

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