Question Description

Sink or Swim


Jill and Ben have accepted positions as business consultants with two different Fortune 500 organizations. Both have
MBAs and at least five years of experience as business consultants.

On Jill’s first day, her manager greets her in the company lobby with a warm smile and firm handshake. He escorts her to her new office. Jill is pleased to see that the office is clean, has a working computer, and is stocked with supplies. After putting her things away, her manager gives her a tour of the building and takes her to get her employee badge. When they return, he briefly introduces her to her colleagues, most of whom are already familiar with her because of an introductory e-mail sent out the week before. Next, they go to his office, where he provides her with her schedule for the next three weeks. It includes a number of “getting to know you” meetings with her new colleagues and clients, and outlines a series of online orientation courses and in-person workshops where she’ll learn about the company’s values, mission and consulting methodologies. The team then takes Jill to lunch, where she is introduced to her mentor. She spends the remainder of the day settling into her office and beginning the schedule prepared by her manager.

On Ben’s first day, he is greeted by the department’s administrative assistant, who profusely apologizes that Ben’s
manager will be unable to meet with him until 11:00 a.m. She is in a meeting that is running longer than expected.
The administrative assistant escorts Ben to his office and hands him about 20 sheets of paperwork to complete. She tells Ben that she will be back in about an hour, and shows him the restroom as she hurries back to her cube. Ben looks around his office and notices that it lacks supplies or a computer, so he uses his own pen to complete the forms. Ben finishes his forms in about 15 minutes and waits patiently for his manager. A few people pass by his office, but they seem rushed, so Ben doesn’t introduce himself. After about an hour and a half, Ben’s manager comes by. She apologizes again for not being available to greet him and hands him four large binders, one for each project he’ll be working on. She asks him to spend the remainder of the day reading the content in the binders; they will meet the next morning to discuss his next steps for each of the projects. She also gives Ben a list of 20 online orientation courses and asks that he complete them within the first two weeks, but explains that IT is backlogged and won’t be able to get him a computer for a couple of days. In the meantime, he’ll just have to keep himself busy with the project binders. She tells him that there is a deli across the street that he can go to for lunch, and then scurries off to another meeting.

1. For this case, compare and contrast Jill and Ben’s first-day experiences.

Consider the following :
• How are Jill and Ben most likely feeling during their first day at work?
• What do you think are their first impressions of their managers and their organizations?
• What challenges and opportunities might Jill and Ben face over the next few weeks?
• What is the likelihood that either will stay or leave within six months?


HRM4481 Grading Rubric

HRM4481 Grading Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Writing and Proofreading

3.75 pts

Written responses are free of grammatical spelling or punctuation errors. The style of writing facilitates communication.

3 pts

Written responses are largely free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. The style of writing generally facilitates communication.

2.25 pts

Written responses contain a few errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation, etc. Some errors but not so many to indicate repetitive distractions.

1.5 pts

Written responses include some grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. The errors distract the reader.

0.75 pts

Uses incorrect grammar and incorrect sentence structure consistently. The errors interfere with the communication process.

3.75 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComprehension of material

4.5 pts

The writer understands significant ideas relevant to the issue under discussion. This is indicated by correct use of terminology, precise selection of information components required to make a point. Correct use of examples .

3.6 pts

Able to distinguish and comprehends a deeper meaning on most occasions. Ideas are reasonably clear. Some subjective evaluation is necessary to determine what the writer means.

2.7 pts

Comprehends the surface level meaning of the material and begins to relate issues to general knowledge and experience

1.8 pts

Demonstrates some basic comprehension of the material . Does not make connections with the bigger picture.

0.9 pts

Not comprehending or reflecting on what is read or viewed

4.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength, content and ability to interpret and answer assignment

2.25 pts

Work demonstrates that all tasks were completed Showed some originality and extra initiative in completing assignment.

1.8 pts

Work demonstrates that significant effort was made to attempt all aspects of the assignment. Ideas connected clearly.

1.35 pts

Work demonstrates that some effort was made to attempt all tasks that were assigned. Occasional sense of engagement of writer with the subject matter.

0.9 pts

Little effort was made to attempt all tasks that were assigned. Ideas were connected but weak

0.45 pts

Very little effort was given to the task assignment. No response was given.

2.25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelevance of answers, opinions and ideas.

4.5 pts

Student is clearly expressing arguments, opinions and responses in answering assignments. Superior ideas and insights. Answers are clear and complex.

3.6 pts

Student is more consistent in expressing arguments, opinions and responses when answering assignments

2.7 pts

Student is learning to develop and express arguments, opinions and responses in answering assignments. More complex and insightful answers.

1.8 pts

Not developing their ability to express arguments, ideas or opinions. Ideas are not complex or insightful. May include some information that distracts from central purpose.

0.9 pts

Student is not able to express opinions, ideas, and responses due to inadequate writing skills. Ideas are unclear.

4.5 pts

Total Points: 15

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