Please answer the question:

Describe one instructional strategy, per student, that would be applicable in helping Jeff, Craig, and Maria meet the goals described within chapter 5 of the text. Provide rationales for your recommendations.

Respond to student dicussion board:

(SARA): Jeff has a goal for maintaining positive social interactions, identifying socially appropriate comments, and increase socially sensitive comments. I would recommend utilizing video modeling with Jeff to increase his social skills and appropriate social comments. Video modeling social stories has been found to be an effective evidence-based practice for social skill instruction, video modeling uses videos to show students (including themselves or familiar people in familiar settings) correct social interactions. In a study completed by Halle, Ninness, Ninness, & Lawson (2016), video modeling social skills with specific recommendations was found to be successful in increasing the social behaviors targeted with students with ASD (Halle, Ninness, Ninness, & Lawson, 2016). The researchers suggest in addition to video modeling, to include peer helpers to support the interactions and teachers to provide direct instruction and collect data in addition (Halle, et al., 2016). Video modeling would be a good option for teaching Jeff social skills since it is an evidence-based practice effective for social skills, several videos could be used to target Jeff’s multiple goals, peers could be involved, and because he is interested in technology and computers. Since he enjoys computer programming and gaming, he could be given a special project to create a video game with choosing socially appropriate comments.

Craig has a goal for answering questions using his AAC device. For an evidence-based practice for increasing answering, the team could use the “read, ask, answer, (prompt)” strategy with Craig. The “read, ask, answer, (prompt)” strategy has a communication partner model the vocabulary on the AAC device during a reading or a lesson, then the student is asked a question, given time to answer using the device, and when needed given a prompt (Kent-Walsh, Bigner, & Hasham, 2010). This strategy would be a good option for Craig because it would ensure that he has vocabulary from the lesson on his AAC device, communication partners are identified and know how to use his device, that he is given wait time and when needed prompts to answer lesson relevant questions. This strategy has been found to be effective for increasing the use of the AAC device, increasing the correct answers to “wh” questions, and even increasing the understanding of the device for communication partners (Kent-Walsh, et al., 2010). I think this would be a great opportunity to include peer buddies, aides, and the general education teacher within the academic instruction.

Maria has several goals for her computer skills including using touch-type, increasing her speed, and saving her work. For Maria’s goals, I would suggest utilizing two instructional strategies including using her preferences within the typing lessons and using visual supports. By having her practice typing using her preferences and interests within the typing and computer assignments completed she will be more engaged in the activities. Using special interests within the learning in an evidence-based practice to increase motivation for the student which increases their participation and learning (Denning & Moody, 2013). For Maria that could include practicing typing the words from her favorite movies, about her favorite movies, oceans, and saltwater fish. Visual supports would also benefit Maria for typing and computer skills. Visual supports are an evidence-based strategy that assist students in remembering key information, the expected behaviors, and following a schedule (Denning & Moody, 2013). The visual supports could include pictures of the expected posture and finger locations while typing as well as the visual support schedule for saving, naming, and checking her files.

Denning, C. B., & Moody, A. K. (2013). Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders In Inclusive Settings: Rethinking Instruction and Design. Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education,3(1). Retrieved from

Halle, S., Ninness, C., Ninness, S. K., & Lawson, D. (2016). Teaching social skills to students with autism: A video modeling social stories approach. Behavior and Social Issues, 25.…

Kent-Walsh, J., Binger, C., & Hasham, Z. (2010). Effects of Parent Instruction on the Symbolic Communication of Children Using Augmentative and Alternative Communication During Storybook Reading. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 19(2), 97–107.

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