Question Description

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Microeconomics Writing Project Due on Sunday December 20, 2020

Introduction to Microeconomics is a “Writing Emphasis Course.” The goal of this assignment is to introduce you writing that is specific to Microeconomics. You have being learning some important microeconomic concepts and tools. You are going to enhance your understanding of these concepts and gain a mastery over how to use the tools through effective use of writing.

1 Content

In your assignment, you are asked to write an analytical essay on “the economics of immi- gration” driven by a clearly stated thesis. In choosing or figuring out a thesis statement the following questions might help. (You are not asked to answer any of these questions specifi- cally.)

• Why do people immigrate?
• What factors are possibly to determine the choice of destination countries for immigrants? • What are the costs of immigration to emigrants?
• What are the costs of immigration to the destination countries?
• What are the benefits of immigration to emigrants?
• What are the benefits of immigration to the destination countries?
• What are the welfare implications of the immigration for the destination countries?
• How does immigration impact the labor market(s) in the destination countries?

For a successful paper,

• Set the stage well that will draw the reader,

• State your thesis in the introduction and make clear what the objective of the essay is and why it is important,

• Review the literature relevant to the thesis,

• Establish the thesis by a well organized and thought argument supported by authoritative sources, empirical evidence and statistics,

• Provide a conclusion.

2 Form

Your essay should be at least 8 pages, double spaced. You should include a page of bibliogra- phy or works cited, and use either MLA or APA style in your citations.

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