Question Description

Discussion 1

33 个未读答复。33 个答复。

Hi all,

OK, so here are both the basic structure/formatting for discussion formatting for each discussion for the semester AND the first discussion topic.

For every discussion topic each student will be required to respond to the discussion prompt AND respond to another student’s post. You must post before you see replies. Make sure you address each part of the prompt thoroughly and make sure to ground your response in course materials (parenthetical citation works fine for discussion). There is no minimum or maximum writing requirement, but if you have less than a couple full paragraphs, you might not be addressing the prompts thoroughly. As a general rule of writing, DO NOT assume your reader knows or understands the core concepts being discussed, so make sure to explain – for example, if you discuss values, include a brief description/explanation about what it is. OK, so here is the first discussion prompt.

Utilizing the materials for weeks 1-3, I want to know what philosophy is (and you need to say more than “love of wisdom”), what values are (along with an example that you find particularly important or “valuable”), and what role they play in today’s science/technologically mediated world, if any (for example this class is usually face-to-face, but is now online due to COVID-19) – explain. Another way to put this last part is, what is your informed stance regarding the status of values in this science/technologically mediated world and why.

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