Question Description

In working on this project, you will engage with different types of visuals, as well as the conventions of writing with data and numbers. To achieve these goals, you will select one of the data sets listed below. After reviewing the data set you select, you will do the following:

  • Decide on a point you want to make using the data in your data set. In other words, you will present an argument based on the data.
  • Then, since you can’t visualize all the data in your data set, you will decide which data to visualize based on your main point.
  • Using the data you have selected, you will create three data visualizations to help you make your point.
  • Then you will write about and analyze that data.
  • Finally, you will incorporate your visuals with your analysis/argument in a brief visual report.

In summary, in your final visual report (Deliverable 1), you will create three visualizations and integrate them into a cohesive report, providing an introduction to the topic and analysis of the data you include to make a point about the topic based on your data. This first deliverable will include substantial text discussing your data visualizations in support of your overall point/argument.

In addition to the visual report, you also will create a second deliverable. You will compose a separate reflective analysis (Deliverable 2) in memo format that explains your choices and goals, and how the visual report deliverable achieves them.

For this project, you will select a data set from the ones listed below and create a short informational report that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion, AND at least three data visualizations that you create. In your visuals, you will communicate the data you select from your data set in a form that maximizes the impact of the data. Your report should be designed for an audience of your classmates and an informative purpose.

To create your visualizations and informational report, select one of the following data sets:

ENC 3246

Once you have selected a data set, spend some time with the data. Identify the trends that jump out as most significant. Your audience is your classmates, so think about what you want them to know and how best to visualize and explain the data for them. You will not be able to visualize or discuss all of the data in your data set. Your job is to select, visualize, and explain the data that is most relevant to your audience and the point you are making.


Deliverable 1: Visual, Informational Report

A one to two-page, informative, visually interesting report that makes a point about your subject using the data in your data set. This report should incorporate at least three visuals that you have created along with a discussion/analysis of the data in your figures. The text in your report should:

  • introduce the topic and its importance,
  • explain the meaning of the visuals,
  • and point to the conclusions suggested by the data.

Your audience is your classmates. Your understanding of the audience informs how the data is presented, the form the visualizations take, and the point you use the data to make, as well as the overall informative purpose of the document.

Deliverable 2: Reflective Analysis

A short 250- to 500-word memo addressed to your instructor that explains the following (use headings to identify each of the topics listed below):

  • How and why you selected your data set
  • How you selected which data to visualize and why you visualized it in the form you did
  • What decisions you made to tailor your report to your audience and your purpose
  • How you ensured that your visualizations of the data were fair, accurate, and clear

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