Question Description


Part One

Computer science has a long history of innovation, and the spirit of discovery within the field remains strong. For this assignment, you will discuss two emerging trends or developments in computer science. These can be among those described in the module resources or trends that you research.

  • Taking each trend in turn, explain its significance. How will it change the field of computer science? Will it also change the experience of consumers, workers, or citizens? If so, how?
  • Next, explain how it may fit with your career interests or aspirations.

Part Two

Provide an update to your instructor on your progress with each category of artifacts for the ePortfolio:

  • Software design/engineering
  • Algorithms and data structure
  • Databases

To help you track your progress, use the Status Checkpoints table below. Report on each category with status and some details. For instance, if you are at Status Checkpoint 2, working on the initial enhancement for your work in the databases category, briefly note which enhancements you have completed and which are still to come. Also note any trouble spots or places where you may need help.

Status Checkpoints

Artifact Selected


Working on Initial Enhancements


Submitted; Awaiting Instructor Feedback


Working on Final Enhancements


Uploaded to ePortfolio


Finalized ePortfolio Entry

Milestone 4

Prompt: In the final project, you are charged with a creating a professional ePortfolio to showcase your skills and abilities from the Computer Science program.This ePortfolio includes an artifact demonstrating your skills and abilities in databases. Working with your instructor, you have previously selected an artifact inthe relevant category that arises from a final project in another course in the Computer Science program or from instructor-approved relevant courseworkoutside of the program including open source code. Earlier in CS 499, you completed a code review that examined the code of an existing artifact in this categoryand planned enhancements to the code.In Milestone Four, you will accomplish the following:• Perform these planned enhancements.• Develop an accompanying narrative that explains why you selected this artifact and the skills showcased in enhancing it.• Submit the artifact and narrative for instructor review and comments.You will then have the opportunity to incorporate these comments and polish the artifact before publishing it in the ePortfolio.Note that the enhancements you complete in this milestone submission should follow the plan you have worked out with your instructor in the code review. Ifyou see issues with this plan as you work, continue to dialogue with your instructor about your plans.The narrative that accompanies the artifact should explain why you included the artifact in your ePortfolio and reflect on the process you used to create theartifact. The narrative should focus less on the actual creation of each artifact and more on the learning that happened through the creation of the artifact.Discuss the following:A. Briefly describe the artifact. What is it? When was it created?B. Justify the inclusion of the artifact in your ePortfolio. Why did you select this item? What specific components of the artifact showcase your skills andabilities in software development? How was the artifact improved?C. Did you meet the course objectives you planned to meet with this enhancement in Module One? Do you have any updates to your outcome-coverageplans?D. Reflect on the process of enhancing and/or modifying the artifact. What did you learn as you were creating it and improving it? What challenges didyou face?AssessmentYour ePortfolio is assessed as a whole, using a holistic rubric rooted in the overarching outcomes of the Computer Science program. Milestone Four does nothave you show your proficiency in every outcome or every portion of the Final Project Rubric. However, this work should demonstrate that you are making solidprogress toward proficiency in some portions of the rubric. This milestone will be graded holistically based on your ability to perform your planned enhancementand submit your narrative. Your grade will be pass/fail, indicating emerging proficiency in the possible indicators of success or not evident in meeting theindicators of success (similar to the final project rubric).The Computer Science program outcomes are as follows:• Employ strategies for building collaborative environments that enable diverse audiences to support organizational decision making in the field ofcomputer science• Design, develop, and deliver professional-quality oral, written, and visual communications that are coherent, technically sound, and appropriatelyadapted to specific audiences and contexts• Design and evaluate computing solutions that solve a given problem using algorithmic principles and computer science practices and standardsappropriate to its solution, while managing the trade-offs involved in design choices (data structures and algorithms)• Demonstrate an ability to use well-founded and innovative techniques, skills, and tools in computing practices for the purpose of implementingcomputer solutions that deliver value and accomplish industry-specific goals (software engineering/design/database)• Develop a security mindset that anticipates adversarial exploits in software architecture and designs to expose potential vulnerabilities, mitigate designflaws, and ensure privacy and enhanced security of data and resourcesWhile your work in Milestone Four does not have to demonstrate full proficiency in any of these outcomes, it should illustrate substantial progress towardproficiency in at least one, and preferably several, categories in the rubric below. Note: You may not touch on security and that is OK.

Guidelines for Submission: Submit all technical artifact file(s) for this enhancement as a zip file and the narrative as a Microsoft Word document.

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