This assignment, an Article Review, will assist you in thinking criticallyabout sentencing in the United States. To begin this assignment, please accessthe CSU Online Library and select an article. This article should be from aprofessional or scholarly journal. Additionally, the article selected shouldbe no more than four years old.

Upon selecting the article, please complete an Article Review. The reviewshould include the following,

  1. A summary of the article (1/2-1 page).
    1. Summarize the main points which the author discusses.
    2. Identify the main argument.
    3. This summary should provide background for the analysis youprovide (see below).
  2. An analysis of the article.
    1. This is the most important part of the review and should bemost of yourpaper.
    2. In this section, you should show that you not only read thearticle, but alsothat you are thinkingcritically about it.
    3. Think about the following when analyzing this article:
      1. Is the argument clear and organized?
      2. Is evidence presented, more than simply opinion?
      3. Is the argument logical, does it make sense?
      4. Does the argument match with what you know of the topic?
      5. Who is the intended audience?
      6. Is the argument convincing? Why or why not?
      7. Is the argument conventional, controversial, boring,safe,etc.?
      8. What suggestions do you have for the author to improve theargument? Didhe/she forget toadd anysignificantinformation (ifso, what)?
      9. Is this useful for those who study this topic? Why andhow?
    4. The completed review should be at least three pages in length (notincluding the title and references pages). All sourcesused must be cited and referenced according to APAstyle.

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