Question Description

IMPORTANT: For the paper, you are to answer ONLY ONE of the questions from below.

I would recommend that you not wait until a couple of days before the deadline to begin writing the paper. It is a much better idea to spend several days thinking about which question you want to respond to. That includes brainstorming, organizing your thoughts, putting together an outline, communicating with your peers and discussing ideas, and then—and only then—starting to write the paper. However, that is only the first step. The writing process also involves revising, editing, revising again, and maybe writing some more. In other words, writing this paper should be a multi-step process. In the end, your paper will be much better for it.

The essay should be between 1,000 and 1,250 words. A HARD COPY (Word document or PDF) is due by 11:59 pm EST on February 15. Please submit it through the Blackboard link above.
Your final score will be based on (there is also a rubric for the paper posted under the tab “Grading Rubrics”):

  • Your ability to persuade, which includes using evidence, examples, and descriptions to support your points/arguments
  • How sophisticated your argument is (interpretation, originality, analysis, explanations, and conclusions)
  • How well you organize the paper (think introduction, body, and conclusion)
  • The use of paragraphs and how well they are organized (a topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph, for example)
  • The clarity of the thesis statement in the introduction, and how well the thesis is argued and supported throughout the paper
  • The clarity and conciseness of your writing
  • How well you follow the rules of grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling

You are free to use whichever style and format you are most comfortable with (Chicago Manual of Style, APA, or MLA). The GMU Writing Center is a good resource (see Also, be sure you give appropriate attribution to all quotes and citations. No matter the style you select, be consistent throughout your paper. Failure to do so will result in points being deducted.

QUESTIONS (respond to only one):

  1. In The Naked Olympics, Tony Perrottet calls the ancient Olympic Games “the ultimate entertainment package.” What do you think he means by this statement? How does such an idea confirm AND challenge what we have learned about the ancient Greeks this term? Use examples from the book to support your points.
  2. The ancient Olympic Games were arguably the most popular and significant event in the ancient world. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? What did the Games mean to ancient Greeks? Were the Games more than just an athletic event? Explain. You must bolster your argument(s) with examples and details from the book.
  3. The ancient Olympic Games reinforced and reflected the values and social customs of the ancient Greeks. In a well-organized essay, discuss the following statement. Be sure to use evidence and examples to support your argument(s).

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