Question Description

I’m working on a english case study and need a reference to help me study.

Before completing the activities below, skim Chapter 3 of CIEQ very well.

In Current Issues and Enduring Questions, Chapter 3, please complete the following–remember that page numbers are ONLY good for the paper book. The essays to read are at the end of the Chapter in the Arguments for Analysis section. Please look for the author and essay title.

1. Please read Gloria Jimenez’s essay “Against the Odds, and Against the Common Good” on pages 119-121 (paper book only) and in the Critical Thinking and Writing section on page 121 (right after the essay), please complete #1 on a google or word doc.

2. Then read Alfred Edmond Jr.’s essay “Why Asking for a Job Applicant’s Facebook Password is Fair Game” (pages 131-134 paper book only) and in the Critical Thinking and Writing section on page 134 (paper book only) right after the essay, please complete #1 and #3 only on the same google or word doc as the Jimenez essay.

Turn in the google or word doc to this dropbox.

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