Question Description


Step 1: Read through the attached PDF. It is an excerpt from On Airs, Waters, and Places by Hippocrates.

Step 2: Look at the 2 questions below. Consider your initial thoughts in response based on your first reading. Then go back through the document to find support for these answers.

Step 3: Write your responses to the questions as a single cohesive essay (3 -5 full pages total, Times New Roman, 12pt. font, 1″ margins, double spaced)). Make sure to provide evidence from the document that supports your response. As this is all one source citations are not required, but all direct quotes must be in quotation marks.

Step 4: Submit your assignment through Blackboard by clicking on the assignment title. PDF is the best option.


1) Which human groups does Hippocrates consider to be superior? On what basis?

2) Can you discern any parallels between what Hippocrates writes and more recent concepts of “race” and racial inferiority?…

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