Question Description

Taking a Stand Paper

Preparing to Speak before the County Board of Commissioners

In an assignment of 450-500 words, you will prepare for a brief community presentation of your stance on whether or not Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes should be Released into the Environment to Fight Disease

You are not actually doing a presentation. Rather, you are writing up your “script” in the form of a paper, of what you would say when called to the podium for your turn to speak at a County Board of Commissioners meeting to discuss community feedback regarding their proposal for releasing genetically engineered mosquitoes throughout the county to fight disease.

You will need to do some outside research on the topic, in addition to the module readings, because you need to have your “facts” in order regarding BOTH sides of the argument.You need the facts – why is it a good strategy, is it safe, etc. Why might people oppose it?What is your particular side in the argument?State your view:

Yes – genetically engineered mosquitoes should be released throughout the County to fight disease, and here is why _____________ (state your points and facts, with reliable evidence to support your points)

No – genetically engineered mosquitoes should not be released throughout the County, and here is why _________________ (state your points and facts, with reliable evidence to support your points)

In this brief paper, you must include what your opposition might say about your points. Think of this as sort of a point-counter point scenario.To do this, I suggest that you consider one of the following sentence formats to help get you started:

  • Yet some may challenge my view claiming that ________________
  • Of course, many may disagree on the grounds that ________________

Thus, you are stating your side and giving facts to support it.And, you are adding what you think your opposition may say in rebuttal.Sort of, here is what I think and why; and here is what I think the opposing side will argue. You prepare for both by finding the evidence in the literature.However, you must be concise and have your facts in order. The podium will only be yours for 4-5 minutes!

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