Task 1  - DO NOT attempt this task if you have completed Task 2


This assessment item requires you to produce a short report for some of the Technical and Development staff of DSI.  


Regional Gardens is starting to migrate some of its applications and services to a public cloud. Many of the gardening staff would like to start a series of WordPress sites where they can share their knowledge and experience in different aspects of gardening. You have been asked to create a WordPress site on AWS where staff can share their gardening experiences and ask members of the public about gardening problems and issues that concern them.

  1. You are to produce an instruction manual that describes:
    1. How to create a WordPress instance on AWS (40 marks). This instruction manual must:
      • Describe all the steps that are required to access AWS and create a working WordPress instance,
      • Include screenshots of each step of the process, along with sufficient explanatory text to ensure that another user could follow the instructions without problems.
  2. Your WordPress site should contain brief instructions for users on how to add comments and photos or screenshots to your site (30 marks).
    1. These instructions must also be included in your instruction manual, along with a screenshot of the completed site.
  3. Your instruction manual should also contain brief instructions on: 
    1. How you have secured your WordPress site (20 marks),
    2. How you will provide users with secure access to your WordPress site (10 marks).

You will be given access to an AWS Classroom and an AWS Educate account. You will be able to access the AWS services that you need to create your WordPress site through the AWS classroom. You can use any method to create a WordPress site that you wish. AWS has a number of  different approaches that you can use and you are free to choose one that suits yourself. There are now three possible paths to completing the WordPress instance for assignment 3. You are free to choose which ever of these that suit you:

  1. Install on Linux. You will need to create an EC2 Linux instance and configure a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). then install WordPress. The tutorial for the LAMP stack installation is at  https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/install-LAMP.html, and the tutorial for installing WordPress is at  https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/hosting-wordpress.html.
  2. Install on Windows. You will need to create a EC2 Windows Server 2019 instance and install the Web Platform Installer, followed by the WordPress installation. The tutorial is at:  https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/EC2Win_CreateWordPressBlog.html.
  3. Install on Elastic Beanstalk.  You will set up a high availability WordPress site with an RDS database on Elastic Beanstalk. The tutorial is at  https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/php-hawordpress-tutorial.html  

You are to create a header on your site that identifies it as your Regional Gardens garden advice site.  You are not required to create or write any other text on your WordPress site. You are also required to implement secure access for members of the public, and you must have investigated this process and documented the steps required to implement it.

You are also strongly advised to shut down your site as soon as you have completed all tests and documentation.

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