Question 1 

During research for an essay, when should you write down information about the source and its location?

A. As soon as you locate any source you may use in your essay 

B. As soon as you’re sure you’ll use the source 

C. After completing the first draft of your paper 

D. After outlining your proposed essay 

Question 2 

According to Tardiff and Brizee, an essay that makes a claim supported by evidence is classified as an _______ essay.

A. expository

B. analytical

C. argumentative

D. explanatory

Question 3 

The essence of _______ is to make sure you convey the meaning of an author’s words using your own words.

A. paraphrasing

B. citation

C. quotation

D. summarizing

Question 4 

Amy and Carl are discussing the essay by Tardiff and Brizee. Amy argues that her essay on how the cocoa bean is processed into chocolate should be considered an explanatory essay. Carl remarks that her essay might be called an expository essay. Who is correct?

A. Amy is correct, and Carl is incorrect. 

B. Both Amy and Carl are correct. 

C. Carl is correct, and Amy is incorrect. 

D. Neither Amy nor Carl is correct. 

Question 5 

With respect to transitional words or phrases in an essay, which transition is most likely to be used in showing consequences?

A. With few exceptions 

B. In the meantime 

C. For example 

D. As a result 

Question 6 

In your online text, you’re told that your thesis statement shouldn’t include words or phrases such as “I think,” “I believe,” or “In my opinion.” Why should you avoid such words or phrases in your thesis statement?

A. If your thesis statement is written in this way, readers will assume you haven’t done research. 

B. Typical readers don’t care what you think or believe, only what you can prove. 

C. If your thesis statement is written properly, the reader will know that the ideas are yours. 

D. A thesis statement should express facts, not opinions or beliefs. 

Question 7 

After you’ve completed an essay, what’s the first thing you should do to add finishing touches?

A. Read the essay from front to back as you would read someone else’s essay. 

B. Read it out loud to a friend. 

C. Set it aside for a time in order to come back to it with fresh eyes. 

D. Make sure your sentences follow a logical sequence. 

Question 8 

Regarding prewriting options, which statement is true?

A. You must begin by preparing a topic outline. 

B. A first draft must be the basis for a topic outline. 

C. Most students choose to write a first draft instead of an outline. 

D. Most students choose to begin with a topic outline instead of a first draft. 

Question 9 

A strong thesis statement features all of the following characteristics except for which one?

A. It’s specific to the topic. 

B. It expresses no more than three main ideas. 

C. It takes a stand supported by evidence. 

D. It encourages and justifies debate and discussion. 

Question 10 

In a paragraph in an essay, I use these transitions: all in all, at last, on balance, by and large, in the long run, in any event, ultimately. What is the most likely purpose of this paragraph?

A. To show cause and effect 

 B. To present a comparison or contrast 

C. To summarize 

D. To generalize 

Question 11 

In harvesting sources, an excellent way both to narrow down a topic and discover a likely working thesis is to explore _______ the topic.

A. different attitudes about 

B. radical ideas about 

C. classic literature on 

D. different perspectives on 

Question 12 

In general, what is the best time to proof an essay for grammar, spelling, and mechanics?

A. After completing your first draft 

B. While completing your first draft 

C. While you’re writing your final draft 

D. After you complete, revise, and edit your final draft 

Question 13 

Which transition is most likely to be used in showing sequence?

A. Additionally 

B. In other words 

C. To begin with 

D. Consequently 

Question 14 

Which of the following is not a good way to narrow down and choose a topic?

A. Choose a topic that interests you. 

B. Choose topics that are not beyond your current knowledge. 

C. Avoid topics that already get lots of attention, such as dieting. 

D. Avoid topics derived from breaking news. 

Question 15 

Which thesis statement is the strongest?

A. The most effective way to create jobs, in my opinion, is through government-supported programs aimed at renewing the nation’s infrastructure. 

B. I think the most effective way to create jobs is through government-supported programs aimed at renewing the nation’s infrastructure. 

C. The most effective way to create jobs is through government-supported programs aimed at renewing the nation’s infrastructure. 

D. I strongly believe that the most effective way to create jobs is through government-supported programs aimed at renewing the nation’s infrastructure. 

Question 16 

Henry and Lois are discussing ways to evaluate sources. Henry maintains that one should scan a source before skimming it. Lois argues that scanning is the best first step in evaluating a source. Who is correct?

A. Henry is correct. 

B. Lois is correct. 

C. Both are correct. 

D. Neither is correct. 

Question 17 

Which statement is correct?

A. Once you write a thesis statement, don’t change it. 

B. A thesis statement is the first thing you should write before drafting an essay. 

C. Feel free to change a thesis statement if you feel you can improve it. 

D. If you change your thesis statement, you must reorganize all your body paragraphs. 

Question 18 

While researching a topic, online or in print, any of the following may be an indicator of reliability except for which one?

A. The author or authors are experts in a particular field. 

B. The author’s topic is similar to your selected topic. 

C. The author evaluates both sides of an issue. 

D. The author has sound credentials. 

Question 19 

The word “journal” is derived from the French word for

A. diary. 

B. day. 

C. daily. 

D. data. 

Question 20 

Regarding typical development stages in writing a paper using sources, which sequence is correct?

A. Research; outlining; analysis; prewriting; working thesis 

B. Research; analysis; working thesis; prewriting; outlining 

C. Research; analysis; prewriting; outlining; working thesis 

D. Research; prewriting; outlining; working thesis; analysis 

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