Question 1 :   Suppose you were a project manager of  the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) of the Victorian government, who is responsible for the ICT project – Electronic Medical Record System (EMRS) (worth about $27M) for the new Bendigo hospital. You are given the responsibility of  selecting the most suitable vendor for supplying the EMRS.A very brief description of the project is as follows::Implementation of an Electronic medical record system, including clinical documentation, results viewing, and medication management for the new Bendigo hospital.The vendors have to submit their bid via the following Victorian government link: Suppose there were 10 vendors which have put in a bid for it. Please describe the selection process which you would adopt for maximising the chance of selecting the most suitable  vendor for supplying/developing the system.Note:

  • This is real Victorian project which had been implemented; and vendor was chosen back in 2016.Further information about this ICT project and the bidding can be found at:

  • One does not need to be truly an expert in this type of system in order to be able to answer this question. You can make uses of what you have learned so far in the subjects MQR and/or SDM, etc.

The marking scheme is described as follows:15 marks: a demonstration of own effort (eg using one's own words and effort) and the answer being in the right direction (pls note that the answer needs not be perfect but it definitely answers what has been asked)13-14 marks.  Falling short of the criteria for 15 marks by a bit;10-12 marks.  Falling short of the criteria for 15 marks by a fair bit;7-9 marks.  Falling short of the criteria for 15 marks by a distance;4-6 marks.  Falling short of the criteria for 15 by a big distance (eg not answering the question to the point)1-3 marks.  Lack of effort or answer completely in the wrong direction or an evidence of copying from each other0 mark: Strong evidence of copying from the Internet or other sources or from each other.Note: Use the number of words you see fit in accordance with the above marking scheme to answer the questions.
Question 2:   Suggest a metric (which you think is the most essential) for the comparison of the submissions by the 10 vendors which you would use for the selection process. State the rationale behind for using it.The marking scheme is described as follows:5 marks: a demonstration of own effort (eg using one's own words and effort) and the answer being in the right direction (pls note that the answer needs not be perfect but it definitely answers what has been asked)4 marks.  Falling short of the criteria for 5 marks by a fair bit;3 marks.  Falling short of the criteria for 5 marks by a distance;2 marks.  Falling short of the criteria for 5 by a big distance (eg not answering the question to the point)1 mark.  Lack of effort or answer completely in the wrong direction or an evidence of copying from the Internet or other source0 mark: Strong evidence of copying from the Internet or other sources or from each other.Note: Use the number of words you see fit in accordance with the above marking scheme to answer the questions.
Question 3:  Suggest a metric (which you think is the second most essential) for the comparison of the submissions by the 10 vendors which you would use for the selection process. State the rationale behind for using it.The marking scheme is described as follows:5 marks: a demonstration of own effort (eg using one's own words and effort) and the answer being in the right direction (pls note that the answer needs not be perfect but it definitely answers what has been asked)4 marks.  Falling short of the criteria for 5 marks by a fair bit;3 marks.  Falling short of the criteria for 5 marks by a distance;2 marks.  Falling short of the criteria for 5 by a big distance (eg not answering the question to the point)1 mark.  Lack of effort or answer completely in the wrong direction or an evidence of copying from the Internet or other source0 mark: Strong evidence of copying from the Internet or other sources or from each other.Note: Use the number of words you see fit in accordance with the above marking scheme to answer the questions. 

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