Due: Sunday night by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time. Select the "Submit" button to submit your assignment. If you have questions about the assignment, post your question in the Course Café or contact your Instructor.

Assignment Overview

For this assignment, using the same topic you chose in Week two assignment, you will submit your refined narrative essay as your class midterm. Using what you have learned regarding essay development, revise, edit, and polish your narrative essay. Your essay should be a minimum of five paragraphs, 500-800 words in length, and no more than four pages, not including your title page.

Assignment Details:

Perform the following tasks:

  • Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lesson before attempting this assignment.
  • Attend the instructor session to prepare for this assignment.
  • To complete this assignment (mid-term):
    • Revise your essay using the feedback you have received from your instructor and Smarthinking (if you chose to use the service).
    • Use the assignment details document below to write your revised essay.
    • Proofread and edit your essay carefully, following the rubric below.
    • Use the following criteria as a checklist for your final essay:
      1. Title page
      2. Introduction with thesis statement; body to support sub-points; conclusion restating thesis.
      3. Integrated proper use of all grammar concepts covered throughout the course.
      4. Use Times New Roman, 12 pt. font; 1-inch margins; double-spaced.
      5. Consists of 500+ words in length (five paragraphs)
    • Use the plagiarism tool to check your summary against unintended plagiarism.
    • Spell check your essay and submit via Canvas.
  • Use the proper naming convention when saving your assignment:
    • ENG101_wk6_midterm_jsmith_mmddyyy
  • Submit your assignment.

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